This small Glass card is a typical Heljä Liukko-Sundström feel good item. It is named "Warmth of the sun", ("Lämpö auringon"). Because these kind of thick glass cards stand freely on a flat surface the painting gets extra light also from behind. Also the thick glass through which the painting is looked at kind of gives the painting some illusion of depth.
The item is ca 8cm high and ca 10cm wide and the thickness of the self standing glass plate is ca 2,5cm. The painting is printed on the glass at Iittala glass factory.
The item comes in its original box on which is written a short text in four languages saying:
"The Feeling of Freedom
the Whisper of the Wind
the Rustle of the Trees"
In Finnish:
"Vapaa mieli
tuulen kuiskaus
metsän humina"
Manufactured by Iittala, Finland.
Condition: Very Good in original box
Signature: Heljä Liukko-Sundström